Previous Quizzes
Koala members! Here's a new way to show how much you know.
Just listen very carefully to the story read at the Koala meetings. Within
the next 3 days after the meeting, there will be two questions about the story
posted on the Koala Bunko homepage.
Answer the questions by clicking on the e-mail address for Koala Bunko, koalabunko@mailcity.com.
In your e-mail message write the answers to the questions, AND YOUR NAME.
You will receive an e-mail reply from a Koala Bunko parent whether you got the
answers right or not. For every correct answer, you will also receive a Koala
Mark on your page on this website. The mark will look like a Koala's face:
Good luck to all !!!
- Quiz #1: Caps for Sale
- 1) How much was the peddler
charging for his caps?
- 2) At the end of the story, the peddler
threw his checked cap on the ground. What did the monkeys do?
- Quiz #2: If You Give a Mouse a
- 1) What happened when the boy gave the mouse a cookie?
- 2) What did the mouse want to do when the boy read to him from a
picture book?
- Quiz #3: Little Wolf and the
Upstairs Bear
- 1) Can you name 3 or more animals that lived
in the apartment building? 2) What did Little Wolf go up
without using the elevator?
- Quiz #4:The Rainbow Fish by
Marcus Pfister
- 1) What was the octopus's
advice to be friends with the other fish?
- 2) Who was the first
friend of rainbow fish?
- Quiz #5: Degas and the Little Dancer
- 1) What was the little dancer's
- 2) What was the colour of the ribbon in her hair?
- Quiz #6: Too Many Pumpkins by
Linda White
- 1) What did Rebecca Estelle make with the
pumpkins? (Name as many as you can!) 2)
What did Rebecca Estelle hate?