
Parents... We need your help! We hope to make this page a compilation of resources that give children/parents English experience or support close to home.  Please email us at koalabunko@mailcity.com with any contact information and any reviews of these programs, if you have experience with them. Tell us about other organizations not mentioned here if they offer an English-language experience or support.


Homeschooling in Japan Website

List of International Schools in Japan

International School Support Services
Office located at Tokyo International School (Meguro). Tutoring services, correspondence schools, ESL intensive programs, Summer School program, educational consultations and evaluations.
American School in Japan - Summer Camp 
1-1-1 Nomizu, Chofu, Tokyo; tel: 0422-34-5300 ext. 323

Nishimachi International School - Challenge Summer School 

International School Support Services - Summer School Program and ESL Intensive Summer Program

St. Mary's International School (Setagaya) - Winter School, Summer School, Spring School

Girl Scouts/Boy Scouts
Membership may be open to children who are not affiliated with the international school where the meetings take place. Locations: American School in Japan (Chofu), Seisen (Setagaya, Girl Scouts only).

English EdVentures, Inc.

Joy Bible Camp
Okutama Bible Chalet, 3-839 Yugi-machi, Ome-shi, Tokyo 198-0064; tel - (0428) 76-0931

Association for Speech Therapists in Japan

Musashino Educational Center for Returnees and Foreigners 
Tel: 0422-54-8626. Serves  residents of Musashino city.

Association for Foreign Wives of Japanese

Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)

College Women's Association of Japan (CWAJ)